Day 12: Rewards

I think I’m avoiding answering the question of “why do I want to write a book.” I’ve been thinking about it, for sure. But I need some more time.

So, while I mull it over, I’ve been thinking about other ways to motivate myself. As I’m trying to be more disciplined in other areas of my life (eating, exercise, shopping), I want to be conscientious of what rewards I choose.

And I think I’ve got it. Also, finishing a book isn’t something I’m going to crank out every other day, so I think they can be pretty big rewards. My favorite clothing brand is a little on the bougier/expensive side. Therefore, each time I finish a draft, I’m going to buy myself a piece of clothing from that brand. The caveat is that I can’t just go buy it because I feel like it, or ask for it as a gift. This has to be focused to be truly rewarding.

I have my item picked out already for this draft. With that, I’m going to keep writing.


Day 13: Messy middles


Day 11: Comparison is the thief of lots of things